So, Your Pet Wants to Be an Actor

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So, Your Pet Wants to Be an Actor

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Everyone believes their pet is the cutest creature in the whole world but if yours has that special appeal, they can be destined for fame. Do you think your pet is perfect for television commercials or acting? While the idea of getting your pet into acting seems attractive, there is so much competition and you should know what to do to give your pet an “edge.”

Although appearance is very important for a pet to become an actor, there is a lot more than just good-looking. If you are determined to make your pet a model or actor, here is what you should know. Ready to take your pet to the red carpet? Let’s get started.

Your pet needs something more than just cute to be an actor

While the look is always important, the social behavior of the pet is even more important. The talent to follow commands is essential for a pet to become an actor. If your pet is a dog, you must train them to consistently sit, head up & down, lay down, speak, stay, and hit the mark.

Moreover, when filming a scene, the trainer or owner maybe 10 feet away from the dog and unable to give commands, so the dog should respond to hand signs. Dogs must also have great concentration and not be distracted by lights, people, sudden movements, equipment, loud noises, and crew.

Cats also need to be trained to take directions and learn social behavior skills. If your pet can follow such basic commands, your pet is on the way to the red carpet. Based on the role, additional skills may be required, and your pet may need to learn new skills and talents. Some roles require a particular size, color, or breed while others may require the dog’s ability to follow instructions.

Does your pet have star power?

Here are some tips to help your cat or dog stand out from the crowd:


In the show business, pets with social and friendly personalities are a necessity. For instance, a cat that climbs to the highest point in the room and a dog that is hiding behind its owner’s legs will make it frustrating for everyone to work with them. Your pet needs to have a good attitude and should enjoy working with people.


Acting for pets is mostly about training. Try to explore each training option such as obedience, signal, agility, and therapy. Training is important because it improves the vocabulary of your dog and makes them easier to work with.


Appearance is also important when it comes to breaking into acting. Having a set of good-quality images of your pet is essential to pass the pet audition and being selected as the starring cat or dog. It is important to have a full body shot to display animals’ coat quality and coloring. Without good images, many pets get overlooked even when they are well-trained.

How to connect with casting directors

There is no single path to stardom for your pet. Many acting dogs are noticed by trainers at shelters, who can directly interact with casting directors or recommend animals for roles. Pet owners can also submit their pet’s portfolio to casting directors to get a break. Many pet talent agencies are there looking for new four-legged talent.

Here are different ways to get in front of a casting director:

Find a reputable talent agency

You will find numerous pet talent agencies across the world. Here, you can submit your pet’s portfolio if you want them to become an actor. However, beware of the scam agencies out there, so if they ask for any fee upfront to submit your pet’s photo, run away. Regularly update your pet’s photographs and if they learn new talents, update that too.

Pet casting calls

Casting directors organize casting calls to find new talent. An open casting call allows all kinds of pets to participate. Various websites list available casting calls for pets in your area. Social media, particularly Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are also useful ways to get more information regarding dog casting calls and new film productions.


Major film and TV roles, and commercials are generally cast through auditions. An audition is a chance to perform in front of a casting director. It can be in-person or on tape and may involve different rounds before the decision is made. Just like human actors, a pet may begin acting in local commercials or music videos to earn experience and talent.

Social Media

With social media, you can grow the fan base of your pet. A pet who is famous on Instagram or Facebook is likely to be recruited for big seminars and public events which engage crowds of thousands. Besides your pet’s abilities, you will also have to play a major role to make your pet famous on social media. Creating online followers requires consistency, commitment, and patience.

How to submit your pet for an acting role

Have good photographs of your pet to submit for a role. Try having a variety of pictures that depicts the personality of your pet. As your pet learns new talents, ensure to update their portfolio that includes their abilities and talents. If your pet is an experienced actor, you can also create a short video to show their past work.

Remember your pet’s feelings

Sometimes, when you wish to make your pet a star, it can be easy to get involved and forget about your pet’s needs and feelings. Never push your cat or dog to do anything they don’t want to do. It can lead to stress, injury, or illness if you want is hesitant to participate. Always keep in mind that your companion wants to make you happy, so you should also try to make them happy. Monitor their temperament and emotions and if you feel they are behaving differently, the chances are they are not enjoying the fame and they need to go back to just being a pet.

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About Ben Cable

Actor Ben Cable was featured in over three dozen award-winning movies, music videos, and shorts. Ben is known for his portrayals of socially relevant film topics.
Ben enjoys the artistic integrity of short films. Ben is known for his portrayal of Father in the music video by artist Stitches, I CRY. Ben Cable on IMDb